A Mini Campus For Inner City Youth

In an academy-par learning environment & facility, we provide exemplary academic and guidance resources to children, youth and their families in the Watts community of Los Angeles. Exalting and sanctuarial, Strive is a safe haven for kids from the thorny issues and extra challenges they face on these streets, in their schools, and too frequently in their homes every day.

Rest in Peace Rev. Dr Cecil Murray (1925 - 2024)

LAPD Officer John Coughlin, Grant Writer Josue, RING Founder Jaime Siminoff, Strive Academic Coordinator Chris, & Caruso’s Sr. VP Banyon Hutter

Visiting STRIVE from Toronto, Canada

Award-winning saxophonist performing at Strive

Radio talk show host

Donor Rick Caruso with two of our students

Pacific Western Bank

The Rose Hills Foundation

Lionshare Partners, LLC - Founder and CEO

The Ahmanson Foundation

The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation

With a group of our kids visiting from Stand Together

Youth Entrepreneurs

Turning Point USA

Visiting from the Sacchi Foundation

The Rose Hills Foundation

Homeless Advocate

Executive Vice President of Stand Together
At Strive’s Open House Spring Luncheon

President of Jive Live

L-R: Strive Don Anderson, Jim Tetreau, Bob Woodson, Gary Wilson, Austin Dragon, Angels John Wood Jr., Damon Dunn, John DeSimone.

with Strive’s Grant Writer Lucy Carrillo